Besides the Ruby on Rails Engineer
An optimistic extrovert would greet you if we met in person. The world is a fascinating place full of culture and history. When I have time, I travel with my family. We experience the world together, and I wouldn't have it any other way. When I am home, curling up with my animals is one of my favorite things. Photography is how I express myself and Technology is my jam.
My parents and my brother and the love we share motivates me the most without a doubt. The unconditional love of my dogs, three Golden Retrievers named Bella, Teddy and Kenzie.
In the future, I would like to be creating useful, easy-to-use web applications that improve peoples lives. And of course traveling, I would like to be doing lots of traveling, photographing life along the way.
A Few of My Blogs About Coding
Here we are, the beginning of week 5 at The Iron Yard. We have sailed through so many different programs, and gems, at a speed that would give anyone whiplash, all leading up to Rails. We finally made it! Last Thursday we began building our first Rails powered web application. And just like that, in the blink of an eye nearly everything we learned in the last 4 weeks, all of that code we wrote, all of those hours spent making it all come together, all of it, no longer necessary! Everything we had learned to build on our own, every line of code, it was all there. All it took was a couple of commands in terminal and like magic it all appeared.
Today is week 7, day 3, of the 12 week program in Ruby on Rails. During lecture we were introduced to JavaScript for the first time. Until now, we have been furiously learning Ruby on Rails in bites that would seem impossible to swallow, and yet somehow the information is sticking. Why would we be learning anything about JavaScript? Isn’t one programming language enough? The thing is, as back-end developers, we are going to need to be able to speak to the front-end, and more specifically as Ruby on Rails developers we need to be conversant in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
When I decided to go to code school, my brother told me to be prepared: Programming is the last bastion of misogyny. We have all read it before, so many blogs and articles about how hard it is to be a woman in the programming world. Some of the articles give scary examples of managers holding talented women back while taking credit for their work. Or the ones that show a strong and determined woman who overcame adversity to be very successful but only out of sheer unadulterated will. Be strong, be the best you can be, and screw anyone that doesn’t understand. This is not one of those blogs.
A few of my favorite photos
Built with Ruby 2.4.0 on Rails 5.0.2, with Devise and Omniauth for authentication, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Shrine for images and Bootstrap 3 customized with flexboxes using HTML5 and CSS3. It also has a JavaScript Bar Code scanner built in called jQuagga.
See the Live Site Here or Checkout the Github Repo Here
This is an app for tracking and sorting your DVDs, Blu-ray, and Video Games. You can enter them by title or by scanning the bar code in with the camera on your phone! It has a favoriting function and the ability to live tweet the movie you are currently watching.
Built with Ruby 2.4.0 on Rails 5.0.2, Bootstrap 3, Bcrypt, Omniauth, Shrine, jQuery, and AJAX
See the Live Site Here or Checkout the GitHub Repo Here
A Silent Auction app where I worked with 3 other people via GitHub. We created an app that could be customized to match any event. It requires authentication to enter, and emails you when you have been outbid on an item. Admins login via a covert link and only admins can add, edit, or delete items. It also emails preauction and post auction reports to the admin that is logged in and requests them.
Built with Ruby 2.4.0 on Rails 5.0.2, Bootstrap 3 customized with flexboxes, Omniauth, Kaminari, jQuery, and AJAX
See the Live Site Here or Checkout the GitHub Repo Here
A Real Estate App where people can look for houses, or list their houses for sale, the landing page is unique, and authentication is required for everything except searching. It has a favoriting function and pagination
Built with Ruby 2.4.0 on Rails 5.0.2
See the Live Site Here or Checkout the GitHub Repo Here
A Hacker News like site where I learned how to make validations work for you and only allow the user that posts something to edit it or destroy it.
Built with Ruby 2.4.0 and Sinatra, and Bootstrap 3 customized.
See the Live Site Here or Checkout the GitHub Repo Here
An employee database built with Ruby and Sinatra. Because not everything has to be in Rails
Meet My Team, My Inspiration, My Joy!
Copyright © 2017 Sherilyn Moline. Built with ♥ with Bootstrap Themes by BootstrapMade